Cleaner Greener Nomzamo Project

On Thursday, 3 March 2022 a task team was born with the objective to make the dream of a learner from Nomzamo high a reality:

“We stand up against littering, clean up our own community and take care of Mother Nature”

This project will be running from inside the school to have an impact outside the school.

Three schools from Nomzamo, ACJ Phakade, Christmas Tinto Primary, and Nomzamo High School, established a Waste Management Team who will be leaders from inside the schools.

The objective is to have recycle collection points at all three schools and a swop shop. The learners will receive an acknowledgement for their recycled items which they can exchange for items from the swop shop.

Grayswan Charitable Trust and Strong Schools Community Collaborative are collaborating with the schools and will walk alongside them to make this dream a reality.

To make this project a success, we need the involvement of the community. The biggest needs are funding, recycling containers, items for the swop shop, volunteers or anyone who would love to get involved in this project.