We believe a root system that is strong enough to support a Strong School, stretches far into the community. The stronger the roots, the more life-giving nutrients flow into the tree. The more stable the tree, the higher it can grow, the more fruit it can produce! That is why we are an organisation committed to collaborate – we are a conduit for the community to invest in our Partner Schools. We are looking for:


Companies, trusts or individuals who invest financially in the human capital development of a nominate school to allow that school to launch its change management journey and become a Strong Schools Partnership School.

become a Strong Schools Partner


As we start to implement our Partner Schools’ strategic development plans, companies, organisations or individuals can sponsor their products, time or money towards the fulfillment of these goals.

Collaborate with us


Throughout the change management journey with a Partnership School, we create ways to incorporate and involve the parent body as much as possible.

Sign up for communications


People who help with projects, events and any other assistance. We want to create a culture of serving and taking ownership – everyone is welcome to give of your time – young and old have much to learn but also much to give through volunteering.

Become a volunteer


We coordinate the necessary work of professionals as they contribute towards our Partner Schools’ development and growth.


There are many organisations with aligned visions and valuable experience,  geared to serve our communities in a wide array of areas. We welcome such associates to collaborate with us to help our schools flourish.